Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bad Jammer Alert

Hello jammers! As much as we wish, bad jammers are in Jamaa. I have to warn you of this one though, for he was terribly bad.
This is called racism my friends, and being a bully. Make sure you report wolfie2390. I would use for being a bully, but you can use whatever. He is a bad jammer! Bad, bad, bad! :3 And he misspelled Asians. So that's all for today!


themagicouranmew said...

That sucks. Also they spelled "Asians" wrong. >.>

Cookies1211 ♫ said...

Yup he did. He is one of those "rotten jammers" as my little sister calls them. D:< If only there was alot more good jammers then bad.