Sunday, January 8, 2012

Scam Sayings

Scams. Yes, they're awful, but they exsit. Jammers do them alot, to get rares. They would give one Jammers feelings away for their rares. DO. NOT. DO. IT.
Now you can report people for scamming and their is a trading system, you would think they would stop, right? Wrong. These are two (2) ways people may scam.
I will not give this guy's username away, for he got banned. When somebody says they declind, they will accept and run away. It's a clever trick really, for you know if you give them a un-rare they will not accept, but if you give them rares would they? You try it out, and have a heartattack when you get a cheap necklace or something while they run away with your rares.
Next, this scammer is me. I do NOT scam, I never have, never will. But I found nobody saying this so I had to go to my den, lock it, and make sure I was alone.
Sorry about the sidebar, my camera is being weird right now. Now, do NOT send rares, they will run away, or tell you they ain't rare enough. They won't send you your items back, and will run away. See a pattern? They run away all the time. They're are man ymore ways, as putting a plushie where the accept and are you  sure you want to accept button are and making you run back and forth and you accidenly accept a necklace for your fox hat or something.
And another is to say give me rares I'll give you a lion code, or a membership, ir a horse plushie or something. SCAMS. Well, who knows? Maybe there is one person who says these things and really does it.  BUT I haven't heard of one person doing that, so remember these are SCAMS.

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