Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hello jammers! Me and my friend, Clubpeguin were at Coral Cayons, when we saw the strangest thing.
Not only was he sitting on that thing, but he was up in the sky, all around. Since he's my buddy I figured he could tell us how to do it and I could share wiht you guys, but I was wrong. He was "sworn to secrecy" in his words. So, if you know how to do it, please leave a comment!


18theANdroid (4 animal jam) said...

i kno how 2 do tht! meet me on nile @ coral canyons ill tell u how! :D

Cookies1211 ♫ said...

@18theANdroid (4 animal jam)
Ok! Thanks for visitng BTW and I'll do that! :3 I'll be keeping a lookout for you